When you lose someone, someone you love, when they break your heart, it’s the hardest thing you could ever go through, and no matter how much time has passed, it never really goes away. You may think you’re getting better, but then you get a flashback, or hear a song that reminds you of a memory, and it hits you all over again, all at once, like a stab in the chest. You fall apart for the hundreth...
time, and you feel like you just want to crawl under a rock and never come out. You love this person with all of your heart, even though you know you shouldn’t. They hurt you worse than you’ve ever been hurt. They stole your happiness. But yet, you still want them, and only them. Other people come along and give you chances to move on, but you know you don’t want to. It upsets you that you might be moving on, because you promised you never would. And even if they broke all of their promises, you want to keep yours. On top of that, you’re terrified. Terrified of getting hurt again. But it’s not like that matters anyway. At the end of the day you’re still thinking about that person who has left you completely broken. You don’t want to miss them anymore. You don’t want to love them anymore, but you know you always will.
#Heart stabbing quotes. Coz u know it was true all along..
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Luka Lama
Who would have thought just a simple greeting could get your almost-healed scars to bleed again?
#hebatnya penangan cinta pertama
#hebatnya penangan cinta pertama
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Bengkel SRN :)
Ok. Semasa mood nak blogging nih ada, nak cite pasal Bengkel Pemantapan Kendiri dan Kepimpinan Sekreteriat Rukun Negara 2012 bertempat di UPM pada 4-8 Julai 2012. UPSI telah bertindak sebagai fasilitator pada bengkel tersebut dan UPM sebagai urusetia dan tuan rmah manakala JPNIN sebagai penganjur.
Tak maw cakap panjang, so, just let the pictures speak the words k?
p/s:this doesnt actually represent the whole activities of the bengkel, it just a few candid moments that i adores during it. All credit goes to Khairi Sulaiman, an unofficial photographer of the events :D
p/s II: all the pics are not in their correct order. So, happy watching! >.<
That's all folks! Nite! >.<
Tak maw cakap panjang, so, just let the pictures speak the words k?
p/s:this doesnt actually represent the whole activities of the bengkel, it just a few candid moments that i adores during it. All credit goes to Khairi Sulaiman, an unofficial photographer of the events :D
p/s II: all the pics are not in their correct order. So, happy watching! >.<
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Look how happy we were! Auwww~~miss those moments already! T.T |
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Met a really nice father from Jordan who allowed us takes the pictures of him and his baby. So cute~~~ :) |
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Sesi bersalam sebelum balik :) |
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Me and KF (Ketua fasilitator) |
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Poor Bell! lol |
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Main 'atas bukit ada telur'. Sape tahu this game, raise ur hands up :) |
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Birthday surprise for the paticipants! >.< |
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Game tiup tisu! >.< |
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Xpasal-pasal jadi mangsa that mornig untuk buat barisan terpanjng! >.< |
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Ridiculously photogenic baby! Smiling and giving a pose for us! |
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Orang kuat bengkel :D The tree awesome ladies! |
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Biawak buaya game if i'm not mistaken >.< |
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Zack n Bell buat drama in the middle of the nite! >.< |
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The Diva facies' :D *roll eyes ;) |
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Threesome couple in the bengkel. Err..yg hujung kiri dua orang tu pose je lebih Ktorang tak kaple pun huhu. |
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Fev! Tepuk-tepuk sipu malu >.< |
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Resepi Kek Batik
Ni lah kek batik yang aku duk pulun buat lepas bukak puasa semalam. It takes about half an hour to do this simple yet yummy dessert!
So, hari ni aku nak share camne nak buat kek ni. Actually banyak version untuk buat this kek, so, ni kira Mardiana's version la :) Mungkin agak pelik caranya, and it might not be the correct way, but i promised u, the outcome would be great :D
Kek Batik:
1 cawan serbuk coklat (bancuh dengan air panas)
1 cawan susu pekat
1/2 cawan margerin/ minyak masak
1 paket Biskut Marie Munchy's (ini yang paling sedap nk buat kek batik-yang lain pun boleh)
2 cawan air
1 biji telur
1/2 cawan tepung gandum
Oat (kalau suka)
*semua sukatan yang diberikan di atas adalah sebagai satu panduan semata.
1 cawan susu pekat
1/2 cawan serbuk coklat
2 sudu makan margerin
1/2 cawan air
1) Bancuhkan susu pekat dengan air. Masukkan telur dan kacau rata.
2) Masukkan tepung gandum sedikit demi sedikit dan pastikan tepung tidak bergentel.
3) Masukkan adunan kedalam kuali. Panaskan hingga mendidih.
4)Kemudian masukkan bancuhan serbuk coklat tadi, kacau rata.
5)Masukkan margerin dan kacau sehingga adunan menjadi likat.
*Andai terlalu pekat, tambahkan air.
*Terlalu cair, tambahkan tepung/oat sebagai agen pemekat dan jika kurang manis boleh tambahkan susu pekat.
* And bagi yang gemarkan rasa coklat yang pekat, bolehlah tambahkan bancuhan serbuk coklat@milo ke dalam adunan
* Untuk mendapatkan adunan yang berkilat cantik dan tidak melekat, tambahkan minyak masak/margerin mengikut kesesuaian :)
****Seperti yang saya katakan di atas, sukatan yang diberikan hanya sebagai panduan, nak alter ikut sesedap rasa ye? :D
6) Akhir sekali, selepas berpuas hati dengan adunan anda, masukkan biskut Marie yang telah diramas kasar ke dalam adunan. Tutupkan api. Gaul rata dan pindahkan ke dalam loyang/tupperware bertutup. (Sebab nak masuk peti sejuk jap lagi, kalau biarkan terdedah, nanti bau benda lain dalam peti sejuk meresap masuk ke dalam kek.)
Untuk topping:
Bancuhkan semua bahan di atas api sederhana. Kacau sehingga likat dan dapatkan rasa yang anda ingini.
7)Tuangkan topping di atas kek. Taburkan chocolate rice(jika suka) dan masukkan ke dalam fridge semalaman. Sedia dihidang :D
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Andai Ku Cinta Lagi.
Hari ni aku rasa nak cakap benda ringan-ringan je ngan korang. Benda tak berfikir and sekadar merapu kosong. Well, kalau sebelum ni, post aku mostly direct aku speaking English ( bajet Amerika la sangat) , but kali ni, aku nak santai-santai je. Campur sikit sebanyak, rojakkan bahasa huhu... Maf ye DBP? :)
Hmmmm... Dua tiga hari ni, aku sibuk sangat-sangat. Terkejar-kejar kesana kemari. Handle dua benda dalam satu masa bukan la something yang senang. Tamabh-tambah kalau both memerlukan kau bergerak ke sana ke mari and tempat yang ko tuju tu bukanlah dekat and pakai pengangkutan uni je. Memang sangat sadis T.T...
At a certain point, aku rasa penat sangat sampai aku rasa nak give up satu benda. Satu, pasal benda ni didnt work out as planned. Satu lagi sebab everything was on me, and satu lagi macam kadang-kadang rasa tak berbaloi terkejar ke sana ke mari and in the end aku tak dapat pe2. Bukan pasal reward sebenarnya apa yang kita mintak, it's kinda lebih kepada penghargaan. Penat lelah yang kita buat seolah-olah rasa tak berbaloi. Furthermore, bila kita dok kat atas nih, segala beban atas kita, and kita kena fikir A-Z, terutama kebajikan orang bawah kita. Kalau kita je xdapat pe-pe, tapi at least orang bawah kita yang bekerja ntuk kita terjaga kebajikannya, aku dah tak kisah dah.
Ok. Enough lah pasal tu. Xpasal2 aku hilang mood nanti... Aku nak cakap pasal benda lain tadi. Ni dah merapu entah ke mana-mana dah. Memang aku suka sesat jalan ni :)
Siapa penah dengar lagu Mojo, Andai Ku Bercinta Lagi? Lagu ni memang terbaik! Spesies aku tak layan sangat lagu-lagu Melayu nih ( bajet omputih sangat la kan? :) Tapi this one, sejak aku kenal 2 hari lepas, aku tak pernah dengar lagu lain. I kept repeating the song again and again like a thousands of time and actually tak pernah bosan. Lame giler kan ? =P. Suara Aweera OIAM (vokalis Mojo) nih memang power. And bila sebenarnya lagu nih based on a true story, so memang feeling dia sampai. Lagu ni menceritakan kisah kawan Edry KRU(penulis lagu ni) yang masih mengekalkan cinta kepada isterinya yang menghidap barah hati. Isk2 T.T
Try watching the vids. Aku actually nangis sungguh-sungguh bila layan feeling-feeling lagu ni sambil tengok video tuh. Sok sek sok sek dok tahan running nose. I was putting myself in their shoes. What if aku jadi that girl yang tahu masanya dah tak lama and dia kena tinggalkan orang paling dia sayang dalam hidup dia? What if aku jadi that guy yang tahu akan kehilangan orang paling dia sayang dalam hidup dia dalam in short period of time? Ya Allah :'(
Sedih dowh. Sungguh aku tak sanggup berdepan dengan that kind of situation. Dalam vids tuh, that girl mintak hubby dia buat 5 perkara after dia pergi. And kalau aku pun berada dalam situasi tuh, tahu bila ajal akan menjemput, aku akan mintak hubby aku(ni kalau dak kahwin/ada pakwe sok) buat beberapa perkara untuk aku. Next post aku tulis pasal benda nih. Banyak sangat benda yang aku nak dia but :D
Ok. Last but not least, here's the lyrics. Boleh feelings2 dulu before layan vid nih :D
Lirik Lagu Andai Ku Bercinta Lagi -MOJO
Kini kau tiadaSenafas pun ku perlu mencubaKau bawa pergi sebahagian dari jiwa raga
Sumber : http://www.liriklagumuzika.com/2012/03/lirik-lagu-andai-ku-bercinta-lagi-mojo.html#ixzz1zIITaV8c
Hmmmm... Dua tiga hari ni, aku sibuk sangat-sangat. Terkejar-kejar kesana kemari. Handle dua benda dalam satu masa bukan la something yang senang. Tamabh-tambah kalau both memerlukan kau bergerak ke sana ke mari and tempat yang ko tuju tu bukanlah dekat and pakai pengangkutan uni je. Memang sangat sadis T.T...
At a certain point, aku rasa penat sangat sampai aku rasa nak give up satu benda. Satu, pasal benda ni didnt work out as planned. Satu lagi sebab everything was on me, and satu lagi macam kadang-kadang rasa tak berbaloi terkejar ke sana ke mari and in the end aku tak dapat pe2. Bukan pasal reward sebenarnya apa yang kita mintak, it's kinda lebih kepada penghargaan. Penat lelah yang kita buat seolah-olah rasa tak berbaloi. Furthermore, bila kita dok kat atas nih, segala beban atas kita, and kita kena fikir A-Z, terutama kebajikan orang bawah kita. Kalau kita je xdapat pe-pe, tapi at least orang bawah kita yang bekerja ntuk kita terjaga kebajikannya, aku dah tak kisah dah.
Ok. Enough lah pasal tu. Xpasal2 aku hilang mood nanti... Aku nak cakap pasal benda lain tadi. Ni dah merapu entah ke mana-mana dah. Memang aku suka sesat jalan ni :)
Siapa penah dengar lagu Mojo, Andai Ku Bercinta Lagi? Lagu ni memang terbaik! Spesies aku tak layan sangat lagu-lagu Melayu nih ( bajet omputih sangat la kan? :) Tapi this one, sejak aku kenal 2 hari lepas, aku tak pernah dengar lagu lain. I kept repeating the song again and again like a thousands of time and actually tak pernah bosan. Lame giler kan ? =P. Suara Aweera OIAM (vokalis Mojo) nih memang power. And bila sebenarnya lagu nih based on a true story, so memang feeling dia sampai. Lagu ni menceritakan kisah kawan Edry KRU(penulis lagu ni) yang masih mengekalkan cinta kepada isterinya yang menghidap barah hati. Isk2 T.T
Try watching the vids. Aku actually nangis sungguh-sungguh bila layan feeling-feeling lagu ni sambil tengok video tuh. Sok sek sok sek dok tahan running nose. I was putting myself in their shoes. What if aku jadi that girl yang tahu masanya dah tak lama and dia kena tinggalkan orang paling dia sayang dalam hidup dia? What if aku jadi that guy yang tahu akan kehilangan orang paling dia sayang dalam hidup dia dalam in short period of time? Ya Allah :'(
Sedih dowh. Sungguh aku tak sanggup berdepan dengan that kind of situation. Dalam vids tuh, that girl mintak hubby dia buat 5 perkara after dia pergi. And kalau aku pun berada dalam situasi tuh, tahu bila ajal akan menjemput, aku akan mintak hubby aku(ni kalau dak kahwin/ada pakwe sok) buat beberapa perkara untuk aku. Next post aku tulis pasal benda nih. Banyak sangat benda yang aku nak dia but :D
Ok. Last but not least, here's the lyrics. Boleh feelings2 dulu before layan vid nih :D
Lirik Lagu Andai Ku Bercinta Lagi -MOJO
Kini kau tiadaSenafas pun ku perlu mencubaKau bawa pergi sebahagian dari jiwa raga
Bersendiri hidup umpama hilang ertiBagaimanakah meneruskan hayat ini
Andai ku bercinta lagi suatu hari nantiTunjukkan di manaRuang hati untuknya yang masih belum kau huni?
Apabila tiba waktu bersemukaKu perlu pejamkan mata dan memaksa lafaz cintaDengan bayangmu di minda
Tiada pengganti bisa hadir dan mampu menyembuhRawan di hati meleraikan semangat ku runtuh
Bersendiri masa umpama tak beralihBerapa lama lagi harus ku merintih
Malam tidak berpurnamaFajar tiada kejoraAku hilang di dalam gelita kalbuTanpa dirimu asaku mati
Sumber : http://www.liriklagumuzika.com/2012/03/lirik-lagu-andai-ku-bercinta-lagi-mojo.html#ixzz1zIITaV8c
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Loyalty in Marriage
Hello girls, guys and peeps out there.
Today, let's talk about loyalty in marriage.
*Yawn..boringg~~~ *
Yeah, I know, i know. This indeed was quite a serious topic, but hey, I've really wanted to talk about this thing a long time ago. So, bear with me sugarplums? :))
"A woman's loyalty is tested when her man has nothing and a man's loyalty is tested when he has everything."
I was stumbled upon reading this quotes. Damn true. It happens right in front of my eyes. (Well, not to me of course, I'm not yet married :)
There's this a couple i knew. Both of them were perfect. One were handsome and well build, one was pretty and kind-hearted. They suits each other well enough. Both of them were the envy of everyone's around them. He got the most beautiful wife, kind-hearted, with the heart melting smile. While she herself got the most eligible bachelor that time: nice career , smart, hopelessly romantic and charming. They were labelled as match made in heaven, as people would say.
But then, something happened. The guy lost his job and both of them had to struggle for life. Living in the city wasn't easy to start with. With the car and house loan to be paid, high cost of living, it wasnt easy. Her husband had job with less than RM2k, but the house and car loan almost reach out to RM2k. Her They run out of money. But the things is, they wont tell others bout it-even families. Acting like they had money although they dont were terrifying.Her loyalty were tested at that time. Her man has nothing and she dealt with it patiently. Not a single utter about the difficulties living with much lies and to the fact that he actually loses his jobs for an office scandalism. (She decided to give him a second chance) . She stayed with him, went through all the hardship together AND she passed the test.
And as the time goes on, everything went back to normal. This time, it's better than ever. The guy got a new job, got promoted and life was better than before He seemed to change. They got a bigger car, bigger house and not to be forgotten, a cute little daughter. Everything was perfect.
This time, the guy was tested again. He had everything- better than before. At his late 30's, he still got the good looks, all the big cars, all the money and those charming swag of him. It makes all the naive woman craved for him. Fall at his feet for his sweet word, eventually forgotten the fact that he's married. At the same time, a kind of trend arises in between his close friends where keeping mistresses was considered a great and cool mischievous act. He eventually was caught cheating on her with two different women. He had FAILED his vow. He blew off his second chance. And the rather seemingly 'perfect marriage', end up with so much pain and tears and completely surprised everyone around them.
I dunno whether it's just me or the trends of having an affair with particularly younger girls are really dubbing in the society right now. And it seems that cheating on their spouses were kinda a bragging thing amongst themselves. ( This according to my own observation happens to guy in the 40's of higher class societies ) This actually scares the f*ck outta me. What if my partner of life-to-be were cheating on me like the guy i mentioned earlier? A young women actually came up to his wife through email and confessed that she'd slept with her husband and her husband had promised the girl full responsibility of what he did with her and eventually back off when their secrets were almost out in the air. And a week after that, he was caught red handed going on a vacation with another different girl while telling his wife he were out for an outstation.(His wife secretly followed him that morning)
What i can tell you, that guy was big jerk. Dont u think?
Hey, I'm not being a sexist here. I'm not saying that only guy cheated their spouses. I know that girls do cheat too. It just that real life situation right in front of my eye kinda involving guys as the cheater, and to the fact I'm a women, so I had to used example of man's cheating. No offense guys :D
Well, what I really wanted to say is, a marriage is a a sacred bonds between human beings. You should at least try to respect it. Cheating was easy, but being faithful in today's world, it's quite hard. And people outside the bond should respect the bonds too. Stay out of others marriage would be the rightest thing to do. Not that I'm not agree about polygamy, in fact I do, but well, I'll talk about this later k? Till then. Bye :D
Today, let's talk about loyalty in marriage.
*Yawn..boringg~~~ *
Yeah, I know, i know. This indeed was quite a serious topic, but hey, I've really wanted to talk about this thing a long time ago. So, bear with me sugarplums? :))
"A woman's loyalty is tested when her man has nothing and a man's loyalty is tested when he has everything."
I was stumbled upon reading this quotes. Damn true. It happens right in front of my eyes. (Well, not to me of course, I'm not yet married :)
There's this a couple i knew. Both of them were perfect. One were handsome and well build, one was pretty and kind-hearted. They suits each other well enough. Both of them were the envy of everyone's around them. He got the most beautiful wife, kind-hearted, with the heart melting smile. While she herself got the most eligible bachelor that time: nice career , smart, hopelessly romantic and charming. They were labelled as match made in heaven, as people would say.
But then, something happened. The guy lost his job and both of them had to struggle for life. Living in the city wasn't easy to start with. With the car and house loan to be paid, high cost of living, it wasnt easy. Her husband had job with less than RM2k, but the house and car loan almost reach out to RM2k. Her They run out of money. But the things is, they wont tell others bout it-even families. Acting like they had money although they dont were terrifying.Her loyalty were tested at that time. Her man has nothing and she dealt with it patiently. Not a single utter about the difficulties living with much lies and to the fact that he actually loses his jobs for an office scandalism. (She decided to give him a second chance) . She stayed with him, went through all the hardship together AND she passed the test.
And as the time goes on, everything went back to normal. This time, it's better than ever. The guy got a new job, got promoted and life was better than before He seemed to change. They got a bigger car, bigger house and not to be forgotten, a cute little daughter. Everything was perfect.
This time, the guy was tested again. He had everything- better than before. At his late 30's, he still got the good looks, all the big cars, all the money and those charming swag of him. It makes all the naive woman craved for him. Fall at his feet for his sweet word, eventually forgotten the fact that he's married. At the same time, a kind of trend arises in between his close friends where keeping mistresses was considered a great and cool mischievous act. He eventually was caught cheating on her with two different women. He had FAILED his vow. He blew off his second chance. And the rather seemingly 'perfect marriage', end up with so much pain and tears and completely surprised everyone around them.
That is just one of the few example, a real life stories in disloyalties in marriage. The Cheaters KMovie on the other hands was a comedied version of cheating in marriage were three couples end up cheating each other with one another. (Watch it and u'll know what i mean. Though this movies actually an R-rated film)
I dunno whether it's just me or the trends of having an affair with particularly younger girls are really dubbing in the society right now. And it seems that cheating on their spouses were kinda a bragging thing amongst themselves. ( This according to my own observation happens to guy in the 40's of higher class societies ) This actually scares the f*ck outta me. What if my partner of life-to-be were cheating on me like the guy i mentioned earlier? A young women actually came up to his wife through email and confessed that she'd slept with her husband and her husband had promised the girl full responsibility of what he did with her and eventually back off when their secrets were almost out in the air. And a week after that, he was caught red handed going on a vacation with another different girl while telling his wife he were out for an outstation.(His wife secretly followed him that morning)
What i can tell you, that guy was big jerk. Dont u think?
Hey, I'm not being a sexist here. I'm not saying that only guy cheated their spouses. I know that girls do cheat too. It just that real life situation right in front of my eye kinda involving guys as the cheater, and to the fact I'm a women, so I had to used example of man's cheating. No offense guys :D
Well, what I really wanted to say is, a marriage is a a sacred bonds between human beings. You should at least try to respect it. Cheating was easy, but being faithful in today's world, it's quite hard. And people outside the bond should respect the bonds too. Stay out of others marriage would be the rightest thing to do. Not that I'm not agree about polygamy, in fact I do, but well, I'll talk about this later k? Till then. Bye :D
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Happiest Examination!
Tadi exam paling SENANG dalam dunia. Serius aku bukan nak sarkastik ke hape, tapi memang serius senang ^^, Aku hanya sentuh buku 2 jam sebelum exam, malamnya tu siap berjimba-jimba kat Proton City jadi talent untuk kawan aku outing, then otw balik singgah pasar malam Proton City dengan heels 5 inch aku (yang ni tak boleh blah), then balik, dinner ngan housemate, tidur kejap pastu pukul 12 sampai pukul 3 pagi layan Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham sambil nangis tersedu-sedan padahal petang esok ada exam subjek 4 jam kredit! Memang terbaik~~~~
Terlepas Subuh, aku hanya bangun pukul 12.30pm esoknya sedangkan exam aku pukul 2.30 kat kampus baru. Yang kampus baru memang kena pergi awal sebab jauh and tendency untuk beratur panjang amat tinggi kalau waktu puncak. Dan pembacaan buku aku hanya bermula start aku dari dalam bas otw ke kampus baru sampai la tunggu nak masuk dewan. Ada 13 bab yang aku kena baca but then aku cuma jawab 12 soalan dari setiap bab dalam masa kurang dari 2 jam tu. Tu belum bab aku termenung jauh merenung masa depan and borak ngan my coursemate yang aku jumpa.
But lucky me!
Semua soalan yang masuk exam semua ada dalam buku tu! Memang bapak sebijik! Aku keluar half an hour sebelum habis exam. Exam sejam and kiranya aku cuma spent half an hour jawab 40 soalan objektif and siap boleh buat recheck 2, 3, 4 kali! HAHAHA ( Memang gelak bangga punya)
Tapi, bukan aku sorang la yang keluar awal. Ramai. Tapi sape yang tak cuba jawab soalan belakang tu memang bapak kesian. Sebab memang soalan tu agak susah kalau kau tak jawab guna buku tu. Memang jawapan dia rigid. But haha, then I gues, LUCKY ME!
*kan seronok kalau dua paper lagi macam ni gak? :D (Berangan!)
Terlepas Subuh, aku hanya bangun pukul 12.30pm esoknya sedangkan exam aku pukul 2.30 kat kampus baru. Yang kampus baru memang kena pergi awal sebab jauh and tendency untuk beratur panjang amat tinggi kalau waktu puncak. Dan pembacaan buku aku hanya bermula start aku dari dalam bas otw ke kampus baru sampai la tunggu nak masuk dewan. Ada 13 bab yang aku kena baca but then aku cuma jawab 12 soalan dari setiap bab dalam masa kurang dari 2 jam tu. Tu belum bab aku termenung jauh merenung masa depan and borak ngan my coursemate yang aku jumpa.
But lucky me!
Semua soalan yang masuk exam semua ada dalam buku tu! Memang bapak sebijik! Aku keluar half an hour sebelum habis exam. Exam sejam and kiranya aku cuma spent half an hour jawab 40 soalan objektif and siap boleh buat recheck 2, 3, 4 kali! HAHAHA ( Memang gelak bangga punya)
Tapi, bukan aku sorang la yang keluar awal. Ramai. Tapi sape yang tak cuba jawab soalan belakang tu memang bapak kesian. Sebab memang soalan tu agak susah kalau kau tak jawab guna buku tu. Memang jawapan dia rigid. But haha, then I gues, LUCKY ME!
*kan seronok kalau dua paper lagi macam ni gak? :D (Berangan!)
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A sneak peak on my outing yesterday :) |
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Update's Problem
It's funny when I'm not being able to online, there's tonnes of idea on what I should write in my blog. But when I opened the new post tab, I simply went blank. I can't pick the right topic, forgot how the introduction should be, and this post were a result of those blankness :)
I want to talk bout hopes, bout my dream guy, or my uni life, about friendship, love, heart break etc etc.. There's so many of them, and I can't choose one. I jut want to talk about almost everything and anything, but then I'm stuck at my introduction . Not to be mentioned of how hard I'd be at choosing one particular topic lol :)
And for that, I lost my passion to write, or I'd rather say, I become a lazy bums that left her blogs unattended for almost 5 months in a row, yikes! While i particularly opened up my blogger dashboard in order to check out other's blog update, it seems that my fingers and my brain aren't in it best position to write and actually gives a soul or passion to my writing. I want a post that describe me the best, or at least represent my feeling, and have a meaningful thingy unfold beneath it. I scrolled up my previous older post and found I'm actually embarrassing myself with those rubbish too-personal blogpost. I talked about love with that guy this guy and actually ended up nowhere with them. Haa, felt ashamed talking bout it *blush*
But then, I'll try my best to regularly post my updates WITHOUT actually embarrassing myself ever again. So long readers *if there was la :)
And here's a fev quotes of mine, Do what you love, and love what you do :)
I want to talk bout hopes, bout my dream guy, or my uni life, about friendship, love, heart break etc etc.. There's so many of them, and I can't choose one. I jut want to talk about almost everything and anything, but then I'm stuck at my introduction . Not to be mentioned of how hard I'd be at choosing one particular topic lol :)
And for that, I lost my passion to write, or I'd rather say, I become a lazy bums that left her blogs unattended for almost 5 months in a row, yikes! While i particularly opened up my blogger dashboard in order to check out other's blog update, it seems that my fingers and my brain aren't in it best position to write and actually gives a soul or passion to my writing. I want a post that describe me the best, or at least represent my feeling, and have a meaningful thingy unfold beneath it. I scrolled up my previous older post and found I'm actually embarrassing myself with those rubbish too-personal blogpost. I talked about love with that guy this guy and actually ended up nowhere with them. Haa, felt ashamed talking bout it *blush*
But then, I'll try my best to regularly post my updates WITHOUT actually embarrassing myself ever again. So long readers *if there was la :)
And here's a fev quotes of mine, Do what you love, and love what you do :)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
You Should Be Studying
God gracious! It's been almost 5 months since my last update! 4th ofJan and today is like the 4th of June??
#self facepalm!
Ok2. Pasni i'll try my best untuk update status, at least sebulan sekali ok? ( tu pun macam tak boleh blah kan interval nak amik masa untuk update ( >.<)v
But life's been so busy, n frustrating and sooooo drama king i would say. A lot of things happen, and i think this post alone wouldn't be enough to tell it off. ( Not that I'm going to-somehow things are quite personal, but then, we'll see how it goes then. this mulut murai and expressive girls somehow memang suka bukak pekung sendiri nih! ^^,
YET, the big thingy are coming in this wednesday- FINALS!
There are 7 papers to go this semester :
#self facepalm!
Ok2. Pasni i'll try my best untuk update status, at least sebulan sekali ok? ( tu pun macam tak boleh blah kan interval nak amik masa untuk update ( >.<)v
But life's been so busy, n frustrating and sooooo drama king i would say. A lot of things happen, and i think this post alone wouldn't be enough to tell it off. ( Not that I'm going to-somehow things are quite personal, but then, we'll see how it goes then. this mulut murai and expressive girls somehow memang suka bukak pekung sendiri nih! ^^,
YET, the big thingy are coming in this wednesday- FINALS!
There are 7 papers to go this semester :
- Business Ethics
- Auditing
- Principles of Finance
- Business Statistic
- Pembelajaran dan Perkembangan Pelajar
- Business Communication
- Human Resource Management
You have 2 more days to go for finals and 7 papers waiting, yet u're updating your blog?
#bye T.T
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
My last post is on 18/09/2011
And now it's 5th January 2012! Oh moo~~~ It's like 4 month i since my last post!
But well, mind it ;) I memang pilih kasih pasal lagi sibuk update my blog satu lagi, padahal update sebulan sekali je pun~~ hihi.. And sorry, the other blog is some sort of my own personal diary, with people having their nicknames, so, u wouldnt know it was mine :)
Ok. Hari ni i excited nk share something ngn u olls. I got this from the internet just now. ~~Gigih mak aihh. Jumpa terus blog huhuu...~~
It was an article about "Mengenali personaliti mengikut jenis darah" taken from here.
Pe yang aku nak cakap, 99% of it was damn true about me!
I'm B-type blooded person, so lets check it out! ;)
Yes, I am.. wee~~~
memiliki semangat dan aura personaliti yang kuat dan tersendiri.
Ehem2 :)
tidak menghiraukan apa orang lain fikir tentang mereka
Yeah, I didnt give a damn about what others might think of me! ;)
A little bit wild i guess ;) ~~~yeah, u go girl!
boleh menjadi sangat lemah, pemalas dan kurang sabar.
Ahhh~~Those bad attitudes of mine~~ *sighh :)
Yeah, especially in love and social lives ;) But not study! I wonder why~~~lol
sangat fleksibel
True ;)
tidak kisah pada peraturan
Hikhik. What I can say more? Rules are made to be broken right? ;) lol
kelihatan tidak sabar
Sometimes laa.. When I'm perfectly being passionate, people tends to see me as gelabah girl, over excited girl n yes, I do admit that I memang seorang yang tak berapa nak penyabar sangat hihi.. :P
tidak sukakan kerja yang berulang.
Ooh ohh, this is soooo me! Camne aku nak jadi cikgu for the rest of my life ni?? hihi. Seriously i hate doing the same thing over and over again pufft ^0^
Sukar melupakan hubungan terkini tetapi mudah melupakan kenangan masa silam.
Omoooo~~~ Truly describes me. Seriously! It just that, present relationship are really hard to be forget of, but once I'm over it, I wouldnt even remember what is ur name! lol
‘expressive’, ‘cool’ dan bersifat objektif
Expressive= I am. I express my feelings well to others. Cool= Hihi. Need i say more? ~~perasan! ;) Objective= I'm not so sure what it means, but I guess bolehla..hihi~~
selalu bergurau tetapi boleh menjadi sangat pemalu
Yup, I memang mesra alam. But at times, I boleh jadi like SO SO PEMALU and I jadi daun semalu. Motiff?? Lalalala~~~ ;)
cepat menukar ‘mood’ seperti cuaca
One of my weaknesses. I can be as happy as hell in few hours, and the mere minute I can be as grumpy as a troll (troll??) can be! ;) Sigh* Is it my PMS again that causes mood swings or what? ;)
tidak boleh berhenti merungut apabila mereka kecewa.
Hihi. I'm not good in lying or hiding frustration, I'll go mumbling n ramblings like an old nenek bila i kecewa or tak pus hati. Expressive i guess? lol Sape jadi my boyfie sabar jela hihi~~
Kreatif dan memiliki idea baru
Well~~~enough of all the praises. Lama da tahu ;)
tidak boleh membezakan kerja dan hobi
Hihi. I'm not so sure ni cakap sal pe, tapi it look like me kot? I dont have any particular hobbies so I put my work as a hobby of mine. But sometimes, I'm making a hobbies as a work of mine. Eiyhh, pening? So am I. Abaikan~~lol
sukar menerima arahan
Haha. Need I say more for this rules broker? ( broke=utk perbuatan, broker=untuk pelaku perbuatan kan?? :D)
tidak gentar mencadangkan perubahan yang inovatif
I'm expressive, remember?? And i love to think outside the box and something new-out of the usual. Had enough self-compliments from me? ;) rofl
tidak takutkan kritikan.
Yeah, come on! Aku tidak akan pernah gentar akan kritikan kamu semua!( gaya ala2 pejuang kemerdekaan dulu2 huhu)
And now it's 5th January 2012! Oh moo~~~ It's like 4 month i since my last post!
But well, mind it ;) I memang pilih kasih pasal lagi sibuk update my blog satu lagi, padahal update sebulan sekali je pun~~ hihi.. And sorry, the other blog is some sort of my own personal diary, with people having their nicknames, so, u wouldnt know it was mine :)
Ok. Hari ni i excited nk share something ngn u olls. I got this from the internet just now. ~~Gigih mak aihh. Jumpa terus blog huhuu...~~
It was an article about "Mengenali personaliti mengikut jenis darah" taken from here.
Pe yang aku nak cakap, 99% of it was damn true about me!
I'm B-type blooded person, so lets check it out! ;)
2) Jenis Darah B adalah Pemburu (Hunters)
Mereka berdarah B adalah golongan yang periang, memiliki semangat dan aura personaliti yang kuat dan tersendiri.
Mereka berdarah B adalah golongan yang periang, memiliki semangat dan aura personaliti yang kuat dan tersendiri.
Dalam waktu yang sama, mereka tidak menghiraukan apa orang lain fikir tentang mereka dan liar. Mereka boleh menjadi sangat lemah, pemalas dan kurang sabar. Namun, mereka juga sangat bersungguh-sungguh (passionate) dengan apa yang mereka mahukan.
Peribadi Asas:
Pantas membuat keputusan, boleh menjadi sangat fleksibel, tidak kisah pada peraturan, menghormati penemuan sains dan perkara praktikal.
Pantas membuat keputusan, boleh menjadi sangat fleksibel, tidak kisah pada peraturan, menghormati penemuan sains dan perkara praktikal.
Kadar Toleransi:
Mengekalkan sepenuh minat pada apa yang mereka lakukan, kelihatan tidak sabar, tidak sukakan kerja yang berulang.
Mengekalkan sepenuh minat pada apa yang mereka lakukan, kelihatan tidak sabar, tidak sukakan kerja yang berulang.
Bagaimana mereka melihat masa hadapan dan masa lampau:
Sukar melupakan hubungan terkini tetapi mudah melupakan kenangan masa silam.
Sukar melupakan hubungan terkini tetapi mudah melupakan kenangan masa silam.
Bagaimana mereka menggambarkan perasaan:
Seorang yang ‘expressive’, ‘cool’ dan bersifat objektif, walaupun selalu bergurau tetapi boleh menjadi sangat pemalu, cepat menukar ‘mood’ seperti cuaca, tidak boleh berhenti merungut apabila mereka kecewa.
Seorang yang ‘expressive’, ‘cool’ dan bersifat objektif, walaupun selalu bergurau tetapi boleh menjadi sangat pemalu, cepat menukar ‘mood’ seperti cuaca, tidak boleh berhenti merungut apabila mereka kecewa.
Bagaimana mereka bekerja:
Kreatif dan memiliki idea baru, tidak boleh membezakan kerja dan hobi,sukar menerima arahan, tidak gentar mencadangkan perubahan yang inovatif dan tidak takutkan kritikan.
Kreatif dan memiliki idea baru, tidak boleh membezakan kerja dan hobi,sukar menerima arahan, tidak gentar mencadangkan perubahan yang inovatif dan tidak takutkan kritikan.
Yes, I am.. wee~~~
memiliki semangat dan aura personaliti yang kuat dan tersendiri.
Ehem2 :)
tidak menghiraukan apa orang lain fikir tentang mereka
Yeah, I didnt give a damn about what others might think of me! ;)
A little bit wild i guess ;) ~~~yeah, u go girl!
boleh menjadi sangat lemah, pemalas dan kurang sabar.
Ahhh~~Those bad attitudes of mine~~ *sighh :)
Yeah, especially in love and social lives ;) But not study! I wonder why~~~lol
sangat fleksibel
True ;)
tidak kisah pada peraturan
Hikhik. What I can say more? Rules are made to be broken right? ;) lol
kelihatan tidak sabar
Sometimes laa.. When I'm perfectly being passionate, people tends to see me as gelabah girl, over excited girl n yes, I do admit that I memang seorang yang tak berapa nak penyabar sangat hihi.. :P
tidak sukakan kerja yang berulang.
Ooh ohh, this is soooo me! Camne aku nak jadi cikgu for the rest of my life ni?? hihi. Seriously i hate doing the same thing over and over again pufft ^0^
Sukar melupakan hubungan terkini tetapi mudah melupakan kenangan masa silam.
Omoooo~~~ Truly describes me. Seriously! It just that, present relationship are really hard to be forget of, but once I'm over it, I wouldnt even remember what is ur name! lol
‘expressive’, ‘cool’ dan bersifat objektif
Expressive= I am. I express my feelings well to others. Cool= Hihi. Need i say more? ~~perasan! ;) Objective= I'm not so sure what it means, but I guess bolehla..hihi~~
selalu bergurau tetapi boleh menjadi sangat pemalu
Yup, I memang mesra alam. But at times, I boleh jadi like SO SO PEMALU and I jadi daun semalu. Motiff?? Lalalala~~~ ;)
cepat menukar ‘mood’ seperti cuaca
One of my weaknesses. I can be as happy as hell in few hours, and the mere minute I can be as grumpy as a troll (troll??) can be! ;) Sigh* Is it my PMS again that causes mood swings or what? ;)
tidak boleh berhenti merungut apabila mereka kecewa.
Hihi. I'm not good in lying or hiding frustration, I'll go mumbling n ramblings like an old nenek bila i kecewa or tak pus hati. Expressive i guess? lol Sape jadi my boyfie sabar jela hihi~~
Kreatif dan memiliki idea baru
Well~~~enough of all the praises. Lama da tahu ;)
tidak boleh membezakan kerja dan hobi
Hihi. I'm not so sure ni cakap sal pe, tapi it look like me kot? I dont have any particular hobbies so I put my work as a hobby of mine. But sometimes, I'm making a hobbies as a work of mine. Eiyhh, pening? So am I. Abaikan~~lol
sukar menerima arahan
Haha. Need I say more for this rules broker? ( broke=utk perbuatan, broker=untuk pelaku perbuatan kan?? :D)
tidak gentar mencadangkan perubahan yang inovatif
I'm expressive, remember?? And i love to think outside the box and something new-out of the usual. Had enough self-compliments from me? ;) rofl
tidak takutkan kritikan.
Yeah, come on! Aku tidak akan pernah gentar akan kritikan kamu semua!( gaya ala2 pejuang kemerdekaan dulu2 huhu)
---------OK2. Enough la tu kan??----------------
Tu je aku membebel malam ni. How bout yours? ;) Check it out for urself!
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